Bookkeeping Information for
Dear Readers, Coming up on the holidays (and beyond), there will be a few changes at both and at the new website that should be launched sometime close to year’s end. Please check back for upcoming promotional type thingies and giveaway stuff as things get closer to being finalized. There might also be a Facebook page for the Schattenreich series and any associated stories/books coming in the near future, but I’ve not made the final decision on that yet. If any of you have any strong opinions about that (yea or nay) please let me know. I will… Read More
Dear Readers,
Coming up on the holidays (and beyond), there will be a few changes at both and at the new website that should be launched sometime close to year’s end. Please check back for upcoming promotional type thingies and giveaway stuff as things get closer to being finalized. There might also be a Facebook page for the Schattenreich series and any associated stories/books coming in the near future, but I’ve not made the final decision on that yet. If any of you have any strong opinions about that (yea or nay) please let me know.
I will be porting the blog (hopefully intact) over to WordPress and the ‘new’ blog will then BE The launching site for my books and upcoming releases will then be The reason for this change is that 1) I’ve noticed that people don’t have an easy time making comments on Blogger, and this bugs me. I want to hear from you, and 2) maintaining two separate websites that basically serve the same purpose in addition to the blog seems unnecessary and confusing for people looking to find me.
In the meantime, I have made the decision to stay wide with my distribution (rather than going exclusive with Kindle Unlimited), at least for the existing books. But I’ve switched aggregators for many of the channels where my books are to be found. Therefore, on my existing website the links have changed for some of the distributors.
First off, the Amazon (goes to my author page and is a GLOBAL link) and Kobo (goes to the Kobo link for Primary Fault) links have remained the same. Below, the links all go to Primary Fault*:
The links to the Tolino consortium: Hugendubel, Thalia, Weltbild AND Mayersche have changed.
The links to the Barnes & Noble (Nook) ebooks have changed.
The links to Scribd have changed.
The links to Apple/ibooks have changed.
*apologies that these are not global links – but the other books can be found easily either by scrolling down to the other books by this author (Scribd and ibooks) or by clicking on my author name)
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