
The Schattenreich Mythology: Five Things You Always Wanted to Know About the Schattenreich

Some things that some of you have asked. I would like to answer them so as to not give too much away. 1. Why the Schattenreich? The German word Schattenreich can be interpreted as the realm of shadows, the kingdom of shades or even a plenitude of shadows. My interpretation of this realm, where many shadows do exist, is that through their special relationship with the Otherworld (Ande-dubnos or Anderwelt), the von der Lahn family (and their ancestors) have carved out their own special portion, directly connected to the waking world and which has borders, where they can practice their… Read More

Dancing the May: an excerpt from Double Couple, Book 3 of the Schattenreich

May Day (and May Eve) continues to be a pan-European celebration that can be traced back to the Celtic celebration of Beltane, one of the high holy days of the Celtic calendar. Even though current traditions vary from country to country and according to which kind of group is doing the celebrating (i.e., pagan, non-pagan, labor activists, young adults in the throes of a romantic relationship). Dancing maypole ladies In Germany, the celebrations vary across the country, but usually include May Eve bonfires, dancing until after midnight (also known as ‘dancing in the May’) – with or without a Maypole… Read More

Support Your Local Library

(Raises hand) Hi, my name is Sharon, and I have rediscovered the library. Even though I live in Germany, I am considered a Florida resident (because taxes and whatnot) and can use the local library (Sarasota County) to check out and read ebooks. It’s been a wonderful thing, enabling me to read ebooks that are priced too high for my current book budget: I am semi-voracious reader and go through 2-3 books a week (fiction and non-fiction), and while I also still gladly read printed books, I love my Kindle Paperwhite (many reasons, one of which is I live with… Read More

Seismology in Bensberg, Just Got Sweeter

We are proud to announce the arrival of our newest team members at the Seismic Observatory in Bensberg! We have two populations of bees who have just taken up residence in the observatory garden. As you can see they’re just waking up. More information as soon as they’re all settled in and buzzing around (and especially where you can buy the honey). For now, an exclusive preview of our honeygram. If we can get the bees to predict earthquakes then we’ll be in business for sure. photo credits:  Beehive, Klaus Hinzen “”>Honey dippervia “”>photopin “”>(license) (photo modified to include BNS… Read More