Wishing everyone a safe and peaceful holiday season. Love Never Gives Up Heinrich von der Lahn If Death takes us down, take it again.You have to believe in the powerWhen you have no better way.When destiny strikes the hour,The gods will have their say. And Death takes us down.The shape of things to comeIs hidden from us all.While the promise of dark wisdom,Keeps you in its thrall. RefrainHold the one who matters near.Let her drink from your cup.Through your sorrow and your fear,Love never gives up. Death marks us all.It’s his duty and his right.Yet we must walk his… Read More
Not yet read Primary Fault, Book 1 of the Schattenreich series? Book 1 of the Schattenreich: a tale of seismology, druids and an evil blonde Now’s your CHANCE (link goes to Amazon giveaway page) to win 1 of 5 copies of the paperback version! U.S: addresses only (sorry! it’s an Amazon restriction.) UNTIL DECEMBER 9TH. Even if you don’t win, the ebook is on sale for $0.99 (links below) from now UNTIL JANUARY 1ST. trade paperback (to purchase – see link above to have a chance to win a copy) Amazon (global link)NookKoboApple ibooks additional links at www.sharonreamer.com
Caitlin von der Lahn, the attractive and elusive mistress of Burg Lahn, has granted an exclusive interview with Anna Sturm for the Cologne Morgenpost. Frau Sturm, prime time news correspondent and freelance journalist reveals she has a personal connection to Freifrau von der Lahn, who consented to talk about some of her recent experiences. STURM: Hi Caitie. Thanks for agreeing to talk to me. You’re positively glowing with health. And that charming pinafore dress makes you look like you’re on the verge of turning twenty. Pregnancy does become you. VON DER.LAHN: Hi Anna. Thanks for the compliments! I’m feeling great.… Read More
Dear Readers, Coming up on the holidays (and beyond), there will be a few changes at both sharonreamer.com and at the new website terraemotusbooks.com that should be launched sometime close to year’s end. Please check back for upcoming promotional type thingies and giveaway stuff as things get closer to being finalized. There might also be a Facebook page for the Schattenreich series and any associated stories/books coming in the near future, but I’ve not made the final decision on that yet. If any of you have any strong opinions about that (yea or nay) please let me know. I will… Read More
I am sad to report that this morning at approx. 10:00 we had to put our beloved Miezie to sleep forever. Luckily the poor guy had passed into a waking coma sometime between 4:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. so didn’t experience the final ride to the dreaded vets. His given name is really Ramses, but throughout his 17 years of life has been mostly known as Miezie, Kitty, Mimu, Mimiman, Miezmiez, Hey There Meeeem!, and sometimes Miezie Stop That! or Miezie NO! although the last two not that often. We shared thrilling conversation on a daily basis (Are you the… Read More