Finally! Triple Junction, the last book in the Schattenreich series (but not the last of the Schattenreich!), soon to be released in ebook and trade paperback. Sorry for the delay, but we are accompanying our terminally ill cat, the handsome and intrepid Ramses (also known as Miezie and the model for Cicero in the Schattenreich books) on his last days with us. I hope there are still many days still remaining for our dear friend of 17 years (see picture at bottom), but it is hard to be sure. Consequently, I am also behind on getting the Terrae Motus Books website… Read More
The writing challenge, as I understand it, is to take a current work-in-progress – in particular, the 7th line of the 7th page and then the next seven lines. I have parsed for dramatic effect but have held faithful to the tenets of the challenge. I was tagged by Michael W.Lucas. This is from my current WIP, The Sundered Veil, a novel of the Schattenreich that takes place in the near future, but also a series of elongated and connected short stories. (i.e., I haven’t yet decided what the hell it’s supposed to be since I’m only about a third… Read More
Taking a couple of weeks off for some needed R&R and to get caught up on several projects. Will be back in mid-September. Until then! Don’t let the clock rule you . Timepieces on display at the Museo Galileo in Florence, Italy
First of all, the edits are progressing on Triple Junction, Book 5 of The Schattenreich. I expect an early fall release. Excerpt and cover release in early September. Secondly, for the German readers out there (you know who Du bist), especially those who have been asking me when German translations will soon be available for my Schattenreich novels (leider noch nicht), here are excerpts from the German versions of my first two short stories from the Immortal Guardian series, Die Schwingen des Wächters and Das Auge der Sphinx, translated from the English to the German (aber nicht rückwärts rum) by… Read More
Hello Perugia! City on a hill. The capital of the Italian province of Umbria and a former Etruscan city (the indoor pool of our hotel allows a glimpse at some of the ruins through a transparent bottom). I’ve decided I really liked Umbria. The Perugia city center is on the top of a really big-assed hill. Where our hotel is, there’s no parking. There’s really no parking anywhere at the top. People who actually live here must pay premium prices for a sliver of garage space. We resigned ourselves to trudging up from one of the public parking garages (at… Read More